Cleaning Products & Environmental Toxicity

Woman Holding Clearning Products

Cleaning Products & Environmental Toxicity

Woman Holding Clearning Products

One of the most common underlining causes of poor health is environmental toxicity.

Broadly speaking we are effected by two types of toxins:

  • Endotoxins are made by our own body. For example, as part of cellular respiration we produce ammonia, which is then detoxified by the kidneys in the urea cycle.

  • Xenotoxins are those that come into us from the outside world. These can include heavy metals, pesticides such as glyphosphate, plastics such as biphenol A (BPA) and many more. One of the places we may encounter many xenotoxins is actually in our own homes.

Xenotoins exposure happens all the time. If not from the foods we eat, then chemical exposure such as from cleaning products are other sources of toxins.

Our bodies have several detoxification methods to process and eliminate these toxins. This happens primarily through the liver and kidneys. If these are not able to keep up with toxic load, then the body next uses auxiliary routes of elimination such as the skin, or a women may experience heavier bleeding during her cycle. Finally, if toxins can not be eliminated, they become stuck inside of us, where the may damage cells.

Go to the page on homotoxicolgy for an much more in depth explanation of this process

Once toxins are stuck inside of us they are difficult to remove. This is why one of the major things I do with clients in work on enhancing detoxification.

A few functional lab companies do have tests for environmental toxins:

Avoiding Toxins Is Always Best

No matter what tests or detoxification methods are available, the best way to protect yourself against environmental toxins in avoidance. Therefore, not only should people eat food which is as free from toxic chemicals as possible, but they should avoid such chemicals in other area of life.

Household cleaning chemicals pose a silent risk. Not only may such products slowly harm individual health, they also seep into the environment causing greater harm.

For more information on organic cleaning products you may follow this link to Busy Bee Cleaning Service. They have numerous articles on toxins in the home and household products, along with suggestions on how to avoid exposure.