Pregnant Woman Forcibly Injected With Psychiatric Drug

Pregnant Woman Forcibly Injected With Psychiatric Drug

Power tripping and racism in medicine

The job of your doctor is to help people in terms of their health. That is it. In this video what we see in the complete opposite. The doctor is treating his supposed patient as if she is a violent criminal who must be sedated for her own protection.
Being told by her, that he is violating her and she feels that he is raping her, meant nothing. My personal interpretation is that these doctors have a psychological need to dominate and control others. They are power tripping over this woman.
As far as the accusation of racism, we can’t know for sure if he would have acted the same if it was a white woman. However, there is a guise put on by the doctor that his supposed patient is so out of control that she must be drugged into compliance?
She is acting calm and speaking rationally. It is the doctor who is using his power of authority to abuse her. Perhaps this is the doctors believes black people need to be controlled because of the color of their skin?
The doctor makes a correlation between being and adult and taking the shot without objection. Notice how the doctor equates being a mature adult with obedience to his authority. Does he realize that doctors are only here to help people with their health? It’s not his job to be an authority figure about patients.

Violation of informed consent

It violates personal rights for a doctor to perform a medical procedure on you without your consent. This right to refuse having medical procedures or experiments done on you is part of Informed Consent.
To be forcibly injected with a psychiatric drug, vaccine or made to undergo other medial procedures without your consent is a violation of personal rights. Unfortunately, doctors may not take a simple no for an answer. For example, it is common with flu shots, for doctors and nurses to be trained into harassing patients to take a shot, until they give in.
All doctors should be trained in what Informed Consent is and follow it. Here you can see some information the American Medical Association has about it.
No means no. It does not be you forcibly inject the patient. Nor does not mean harass the patient they are emotionally exhausted and consent.
It is clear that doctors and nurses shown in this video need to undergo extensive training in informed consent, empathy and ethics.