Favorite Websites To Learn About Covid-19

December 2021

Over the past 21 months, so much has been said about Covid-19, from so many different sources and varying opinions, that for me to fully write what I believe about the matter would take a significant amount of time in which I simply rewrite what a few other people have said, except to do it more poorly.

So instead of writing an incredibly long essay which is not needed, nor will be read by many, I will instead make a short statement, but primarily link to some of the best sources I know of for correct Covi-19 information.

There are many exceptional voices of reason. This is not meant to be a comprehensive list. Rather this is a starting point where people who are only familiar with the main stream media's version of events, can start to do more independent research to reach their own conclusions. Blindly accepting anyone's perspective as the absolute truth does no one good. I do not fully agree with everyone I am listing on this page. However, I believe they all have a perspective worth considering, and share a degree of truth.

Many of my clients are very familiar with people on this list. However, for everyone who comes in my office who is familiar with these people, there is still someone else who knows nothing except what they have been told from the TV news.

I am very certain that the actual health threat of Covid-19 has been very much exaggerated. What we have seen over the past 2 years is a culture of fear surrounding coronavirus. It seems that almost any news is presented to fill the audience with as much fear and hysteria as possible. Meanwhile, the monumental cost that people have been asked to pay in this seemingly endless war against coronavirus is mostly ignored.

Dr. Sam Bailey

If there is only one person to listen to, it is her. I know of no one else who so clearly, in a concise way covers so much information so a lay person can understand the actual science behind Covid-19. She is my favorite source on this list, and her opinions on Covid-19 are closest to my own.

Erin Marie Olszewski

Nurse Erin is a genuine hero. During the start of the Covid-19 phenomena she worked in Elmhurst hospital in Queens, NY. This is the hospital which became known for the extremely high death rate and dead bodies piling up in the freezer truck outside. Olszewski shows how it was not simply a virus responsible for all the deaths, but massive incompetence. I'm putting her near the top of this list because we can never get anywhere in understanding what truly happened if the only reaction people have is to say "what about all those deaths!" Yes, many people died. But if our goal is a rationale response focused on moving forward in the best way possible, we can't just respond with fear and panic. We have to ask what really happened.

The Highwire

One of the most popular, and best sources for investigate journalism and interviews around topics of vaccines, Covid-19 and other heath issues.

Children's Health Defense

Robert Kenney's organization. For in depth articles on Covid-19, vaccines and environmental issues.

The Corbett Report

For understanding the greater social, economic and political agenda around Covid-19. What is the real agenda?

The Last American Vagabond

For in depth analysis of news, research studies and more.

Consent Factory

CJ Hopkins esssays and interviews about the psychological elements of Covid-19. Totalitarian measures and what may we do about it?

Academy of Ideas

Videos about philosophy, social psychology, individuality and freedom

Computing Forever

Has a more libertarian slant. I don't agree with everything on this channel, but videos are thought provoking and often cut to the heart of what the Covid-19 phenomena is about.

Must Read Books

The Real Anthony Fauci

Robert Kennedy's exposure of Dr. Fauci. This is not just essential reading for understanding how Covid-19 was mismanaged. It's a deep dive into decades of corruption and harm done by "America's Most Trusted Doctor.:"

Book: The Real Anthony Fauci

Virus Mania

Those who do understand history are doomed to repeated it. Likewise, those who do not understand the science of virology are doom to repeat its mistakes. In depth, yet easy to understand for a lay person, this will tell you what you need to know about virology. Specificity, a history of junk science, false alarms and fear mongering which has been going on for decades.

Dr. Sam Bailey is a coauthor on the latest edition.