Book Review – Keto for Cancer

Book Review – Keto for Cancer

Keto for Cancer by Miriam Kalamian is an excellent resources. It covers a lot of ground, from explaining the metabolic basic for a ketogenic diet, talking to oncologists, mealplans, trouble shootings problems on the diet and virtually an question a patient can have about the ketogenic diet for cancer.

As a naturopathic student 10 years ago I was taught almost no nutritional advice specific to cancer. I do not wish to imply that naturopathic school did not teach me about nutrition. It did in terms of food allergies, blood sugar control and nutrition to specific to other conditions.

As far as cancer goes, there was very little education. The big thing with the one teacher we had who was experienced with cancer was protein. To prevent weight loss and cachexia cancer patients should have a lot of protein. This included supplements such as whey protein powder.

This advice never felt right. Cancer cells have deregulated metabolism. Giving patients lots of calories to keep weight on seemed to be a good way to feed the cancer. Nor does it address the underlining toxicity or metabolic causes of cancer.

In the past 10 years much has changed in the world of nutrition. Back then almost discussed the ketogenic diet, except as a side note in treatment of epilepsy. By now the ketogenic diet is going mainstream.

Keto for Cancer starts with a basic discussion of the metabolic theory of cancer. To summarize, cancer cells live off of sugar. Unlike healthy cells, cancer can ferment sugars to make energy.

Therefore, a high-carbohydrate diet feeds cancer.

Many proteins are also converted into sugars. The whey protein I was taught helps cancer patients keep weight on is easily converted into sugar and feeds cancer as well.

This changes with a high-fat diet. It deprives the body of sugar. The body adapts by having the liver convert fat into ketones. Healthy cells can use ketones for energy. Cancer cells can not. A ketogenic diet thus helps to starve cancer cells.

Most of Keto for Cancer is not a discussion of cancer metabolism. It’s a guide for how to implement a ketogenic diet, focusing specially on cancer. This includes many common concerns people may have about a ketogenic diet. By the time you get through the book, any basic question you may have about the diet are answered. She also talks about how to deal with oncologists and other health care providers who may not be on board with a ketogenic diet.

It is common for health practitioners to author books more for self promotion than because they have something important to say. Personal stories, testimonials and basic natural health information fill up the pages of books that have little unique information to say. Keto for Cancer is the complete opposite. It is a serious guide that patients and practitioners can pick up and use. I recommend it to anyone who wants a practical guide on how to use the ketogenic diet for cancer.

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