Eczema and Naturopathic Medicine

As a holistic practitioner, I believe in treating the whole person. The goal when working on eczema is not to “treat eczema.” Rather it is to uncover underlining issues which are causing the body to produce eczema. The intent of this page is to cover factors which often contribute to eczema. I do not cover all possible triggers and natural therapies for eczema. Everyone is different. There is no single one cause of eczema, or special supplement that will work for everyone.

Eczema and Th2 dominance

Th2 stands for t-helper cells 2. These stimulate the immune system against pathogens that contact us at mucosal borders. This could be the skin, lungs or digestive system. Th1 stands for t-helper cells 1. This is involved in what’s called “cell mediated immunity.” This is an immune system reaction that happens internally. As a simple analogy, Th2 is like a border defense, keeping bad guys outside of a country. Th1 is like internal police, controlling bad guys already inside. Th1 and Th2 act like a see-saw. When one goes up, the other goes down. Some conditions are associated with either more Th1 or Th2. Eczema is associated with more Th2. This is called “Th2 dominance.” TSLP stands for thymic stromal lymphopoietin. It is an immune system messenger secreted by the skin, and other barriers between us and the outside world. Its job is to alert the immune system to toxins and stimulate a response to eliminate them. In order to do this TSLP strongly stimulates Th2. Therefore, it’s important to find and remove triggers of TSLP.

TSLP triggers


Phthalates are chemicals used to make plastics softer. They are often called plasticizes. Phthalates are in hundreds of productions. People are exposed to them by eating and drinks stored in plastic. Personal care products such as soap and shampoos also have phthalates. Contaminated air may also contain phthalate vapor or dust. Examples of products containing phthalates are:
  • Vinyl flooring
  • Adhesives and glues
  • Detergents
  • Lubricating oils
  • Automotive plastics
  • Plastic clothes (raincoats)
  • Soaps
  • Shampoos
  • Hair spray
  • Nail polish
  • Enteric coating of pharmaceutical pills
  • Medical devices
  • Childrens toys
  • Modeling clay
  • Waxes
  • Paint
  • Printing ink
  • Textiles
  • Food containers
Soaps and detergents can be a major source of exposure. Avoidance of brands that contain Phthalates is best. Detoxification protocols may also help the body cope with such toxins.

H. pylori and other infections

H. pylori is a bacteria associated with stomach ulcers. It also triggers the digestive tract to secrete TSLP. Once study found it present in 70% of eczema cases. Therefore, testing for H. pylori and treating the gut are considerations. Virus and parasitic infections have also been associated with increase TSLP. [1][2]

The eczema, asthma connection

TSLP is not just involved in eczema. It is active in the lungs and stimulates a strong immune system response to allergens. This is why people with eczema so often later on develop asthma. Conventional research has been moving the direction of creating drugs to block the action of TSLP. From a holistic perspective, even if they invent such a drug, it would only suppress symptoms. TSLP is part of our immune system. It’s there for a reason. Treating the cause means removing triggers of excessive TSLP production.


There are two main types of immunoglobulins that cause allergies:
  1. IgE causes traditional allergies. Common examples are to dust and seasonal allergies against pollen. IgE allergies to food, will cause symptoms very soon after eating. Many times when people think their medical doctor tested for allergies, they were only tested for IgE.
  2. IgG causes delayed food allergies. These are reactions that may be felt hours or even days after eating the triggering food.
In my office use different tests to help find out what allergies my clients really have. Go to this page for more information on allergy testing


“Leaky gut” and eczema

Poor digestion, foods, toxicity and pathogens can lead to what is called “Leaky gut.” This is inflammation in the digestive system which makes it permeable to microbes and toxins. The gut is said to be “leaky.” As toxins leak into circulation, they trigger the immune system and people get symptoms of inflammation. The term “leaky gut” is meant to describe what many natural health care practitioners believe is happening in the digestive tract. It is not an official disease with medically accepted diagnostic criteria.

Candida albicans

Candida is actually part of the normal gut flora. We all have some Candida. In a healthy person the immune system keeps it under control and it does not cause symptoms. Toxicity, a weak immune system and poor diet can all contribute to allowing Candida to grow out of control and cause symptoms. Improving digestion, “leaky gut” and Candida may involve doing some of the following
  • Eliminate allergenic foods
  • Removing sugars and other foods that feed pathogens
  • Supplements with HCL or pancreatic enzymes to aid in digestion
  • Support liver and gallbladder function, for better detoxification and bile flow
  • Anti-microbial herbs
  • Probiotics or other supplements that improve the gut flora
  • Detoxification
The following pages have more information on digestion and Candida Digestive system main page Candida

Liver and detoxification

The primary organs of detoxification and the liver and kidneys. If these are overwhelmed other organ take over to help. The skin is the largest organ of the body, and can help eliminate some toxins. This is why eczema and other skin conditions can be signs of toxicity The following pages cover some aspects of toxicity and detoxification: Heavy metal and porphyrin lab tests Homotoxicology Biotherapeutic drainage

Why see a naturopathic doctor for eczema?

It’s easy to search the Internet and find health tips for eczema. This may help. It can also lead someone into trying lots of different supplements that do not really get the job done. However, eczema is not just one thing. Different triggers can cause the inflammatory response. With a naturopathic doctor you can work one-on-one with a health expert to learn what specially you need to be healthy. This is what naturopathic doctors are for; holistic assessment and individualized natural therapies.