Book Review – Period Repair Manual

Written by naturopathic doctor Lara Briden, Period Repair Manual is an excellent book.

This is a great resource for women who have symptoms during their period. I also recommend it for any teenage girl. During a women’s life, many doctors will offer various tests and treatments for hormonal and reproductive symptoms. If she does not know how her body work, how is she expected to respond to all of this.

If any Naturopathic students are reading this review, Period Repair Manual will tell you what you need to know to help women. Too many times professional lectures over-complicate things far more than necessary, while leaving out essential information. This book will fill in the gaps to help with the more common cases you see all the time.

The first half of the book, “Understanding Your Period” explains what a normal period should be like, what can go wrong and proper diagnosis. Dr. Briden points out numerous misconceptions that women have about their periods. Such as the true effect of birth control pills and true diagnostic criteria for certain illnesses. The reader will be able to know why she gets symptoms.

The second part of the book is more focused on treatment. Dr. Briden’s approach is truly holistic, and she covers factors such as heavy metals , environmental toxicity and nutrition. She does give general recommendations about what herbs or supplements to use. So this book can be used for self treatment.

I think the recommendations she gives are fine. However I would add that at times more specific protocols can be given by working with a practitioner one-on-one. Such individualized support can not be given in a book.

Overall this is not just a great book on women’s health, it’s one of the best health books I’ve ever read. I’d recommend it for any women who has symptom’s related to her cycle. If you know any young women or teens who are just starting to have their symptoms treated conventionally, give them this book. It can literally save them from decades of suffering.